Environmental impact policy

Howe Farming Group follows the Freshcare Environmental Code of Practice to assist with the implementation of responsible environmental management practices. Management is committed to meeting the requirements of all relevant legislation, including the Environmental Protection Act 1994. Howe Farming Group conduct annual environmental audits to ensure the Freshcare Environmental Code of Practice is effectively maintained targets are being monitored and and objectives are being completed. Suppliers and contractors are expected to comply with all current environmental legislation to ensure environmental impact is minimised throughout the supply chain.

Howe Farming Group is focused on the following issues and is committed to continuous improvements in environmental conservation:

  • Reducing energy consumption and emissions
  • Using water more efficiently and conducting regular water testing of holding dams and potable water sources
  • Managing waste better and reducing pollution through efficient disposal of chemicals and expendable items
  • Ensuring biodiversity is sustained in surrounding riparian land
  • Supplying worker transport to minimise emissions 

It is of the utmost importance for Howe Farming Group to conduct business with sustainability at the forefront of its ethos, with a commitment to safeguard the natural environment in which we operate. Howe Farming Group has developed an Environmental Action Plan to guide continual improvements of environmental activities and initiatives planned for our business.

Dennis Howe

Managing Director